The Dedicated Service provides personalised, wraparound support to the bereaved and survivors from the Grenfell Tower tragedy. Delivered jointly by the local Council and the NHS, the service is tailored to meet people’s individual needs and aims to support people along their journey to recovery.
Designed in close partnership with the bereaved and survivors, the Dedicated Service launched in July 2019 as a central part of the Grenfell Recovery Strategy. A Steering Group, made up of representatives of the bereaved and survivors, continues to shape the service.
More information on the service and wider recovery efforts is available here (link to RBKC website) and here (link to NHS website).

Bereaved and survivors have the support of a named Dedicated Worker, who acts as first point of contact for their key concerns and questions. Alongside this personalised approach, a team of specialists provide specific support covering physical and mental health, resettlement and education provision. A network of bespoke and centrally commissioned services wraps around this to ensure bereaved and survivors have access to a wide range of different services that reflect their diverse needs.
We always aim to provide people with as much choice and control over the support they receive, and to provide services that are culturally appropriate.

The Dedicated Service is provided jointly by the NHS and local Council. Across the partnership, we have a diverse team, trained in trauma and bereavement, that aims to build upon best practice multi-agency working. It includes physical health co-ordinators, primary care specialists, mental health practitioners, qualified social workers, trained resettlement officers, counsellors, youth workers, qualified teachers and experienced commissioners. We also work with a wide range of specialist community partners.